We regret to post today that due to unresolved contract issues and work to rule actions, elementary school teachers are unable to bring their students to this year’s festival and we have been advised to defer the festival to next year. On behalf of the Haliburton-Muskoka-Kawartha Children’s Water Festival steering committee and our charitable organization, Friends of Ecological and Environmental Learning, the 2015 HMK Children’s Water Festival scheduled to take place at the Kinark Outdoor Centre on September 28th & 29th, 2015, must be deferred to next year, September 26th & 27th, 2016.
The HMK Children’s Water Festival has been successful in providing a free water educational opportunity within a natural outdoor setting to the elementary students of the Trillium Lakelands District School Board for 10 years. This event would not be the success that it is without the support of our sponsors and the large scope of community involvement and commitment. We would like to sincerely thank all who have supported the HMK Children’s Water Festival and water education in general, helping us lay the foundation for water stewardship in our youth and communities. Here’s to continuing in making a splash together!